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Quarry Hill Insights

Wise Money: Successful Investing is Painful Thumbnail

Wise Money: Successful Investing is Painful

Investing is a paradoxical game of balancing risk, cycles, and independent thinking. Success lies in embracing discomfort, preparing thoughtfully, and mastering the discipline beyond financial gain.

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Wise Money: If You Win the Lottery, Cash the Ticket Thumbnail

Wise Money: If You Win the Lottery, Cash the Ticket

Discover the cautionary tale of a Canadian carpenter who turned $80,000 into $400 million with Tesla options—only to lose it all. Learn why diversification, discipline, and cashing out are crucial for sustained financial success.

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 Wise Money: 5 Types of Wealth  Thumbnail

Wise Money: 5 Types of Wealth

Wealth is often synonymous with money. However, Sahil Bloom, in his thought-provoking book “The 5 Types of Wealth,” expands the traditional definition to encompass more dimensions that contribute to a fulfilling life.

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Wise Money: Wild Problems Thumbnail

Wise Money: Wild Problems

Wild problems are those life choices that cannot be easily quantified or solved through a simple cost-benefit analysis. They force us to consider the deeper aspects of our values, identities, and what truly makes life meaningful.

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Wise Money: RIP Daniel Kahneman Thumbnail

Wise Money: RIP Daniel Kahneman

We bid farewell to another brilliant mind in finance. Daniel Kahneman was a pioneering psychologist and Nobel laureate who left an indelible mark on our understanding of human behavior and decision-making processes.

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Wise Money: Are Stocks Overvalued? Thumbnail

Wise Money: Are Stocks Overvalued?

What makes owning stocks so tricky is you know they will go down, but you just don't know when. Nobody likes seeing their account balance go down, so whether stocks are up or down, the fear of loss is palpable among stock investors.

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Quarry Hill Quarterly Review: Gradual and Sudden Thumbnail

Quarry Hill Quarterly Review: Gradual and Sudden

The key to progress is staying in the game. Between 1990 and 2020, an investment in the S+P 500 grew from $1,000 to $20,000. Someone who missed just the best 25 days (less than a day per year) would only see their investment grow to $4,000.

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